2013년 10월 9일 수요일

Why did He have to come as a Son? -WMSCOG Christ ahnsahnghong n God the mother


“But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”
The people of Israel cried out to Moses. They felt they could die because the words of God sounded like the great thunder and lightning and the trumpet to them. They’re scared. When they heard the words of God from Moses who alone was able to hear the voice of God, they could follow the will of God (in the Desert of Sinai at the time of Exodus.)
“It thundered or an angel spoke to him.”
Many people heard the words of God but they said it had thundered. But, the Apostle Paul heard the voice of God correctly and wrote: “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” Through John, people could listen to the words of God correctly (at Ephesus in around 90 A.D.)
Both in the time of Exodus and in around 90 A.D., people were not able to hear the voice of Almighty God. As creatures, they could not bear the words of God, which sounded like the thunder and lightning. For this reason, God came to the earth as a man in the appearance of a creature, hiding His power and glory.
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he [Jesus] will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)
And He let God’s children know the way to salvation one by one and set examples for us. Putting Him in the shoes of the Son like us, He taught how we can follow the words of God to get salvation.
I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. (John 13:15)
Jesus set the example of ‘being baptized’ as a sign of salvation (Matthew 3:13-16.) And He also set the example of ‘keeping the Sabbath’ for us to get the blessing of rest (Luke 4:16,) and the example of ‘observing the Passover’ which promises the blessing of the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:19.) In addition, He asked His children as follows just before He ascended to heaven:
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20)
It's the mind of God. God worried that His children might not be able to follow the way of salvation. So He carefully set examples one by one. Can you hear the words of God? “Please, follow the way I walked. Let’s go to our hometown -- the kingdom of heaven.”

A toenail- love & sacrifice of christ ahnsahnghong n heavenly mother.

God always worry about us . 
Though we are destine to die, christ Ahnsahnghong n heavenly mother gave us new life n salvation. 
Even now our heavenly mother pray for us. 

It was on one sizzling hot summer day, as if the heat would melt down the road.

My seven-year-old son kept on pestering me to go to the cool fountains in the park.

Thinking that I had to wait in the heat with a towel, for him to have fun in the water, I couldn’t even consider about going
.But of course, my child would never give up.

“Okay… okay… Fine. Let’s go.”

Having a smile ear to ear, my son was full of joy and kept on humming.

When we arrived at the park, seeing him enjoying the cool water, I also felt refreshed and I thought I made the right choice.


Checking one of my text messages, I heard a shrieking sound. My son was sitting on the bare ground and crying. When I went close to him, I noticed his toe was bleeding. While I was looking away from him, playing with his shoes off, his toe got stuck in one of the fountains. And trying to get his toe out, his toenail fell off.

I carried him on my back and ran to the ER.

For that small moment, my toes felt so painful as if my own toes were cut off. I was also so anxious. He took an X-ray examination on his toe to make sure he didn’t break any bones.

Fortunately, there weren’t any bones broken. The doctor took off the piece of flesh narrowly hanging on to his toe, and put on some ointment after disinfecting the wound. Though it hurt, my son couldn’t possible cry because he was nervously glancing on me, because he knew he refused to listen to his mother who told him not to take his shoes off.

‘That little toe dressed in a bandage…

How painful would it be?

Oh, I told him to listen to his mother.

No, I had to watch him every single moment….’

I regretted and felt guilty at the same time.

‘This is mother’s heart. Even if there’s a small scar on her child’s body, it is heart-rending.

Seeing just a little toe falling off from his feet really hurts me. I realized how anxious Heavenly Mother must have been seeing her loving children waiting to be sent to this land of death.

It was a natural thing for us to go through for our sins, but our Heavenly Mother sheds tears even today, considering Herself as a sinner.’

Coming back to our house, seeing my child sleeping on my back after being all exhausted from being frightened, I shed tears thinking about our Heavenly Mother.

Though I let Her worry even in Heaven, I still don’t seem to fully repent and always leave a scar on Her heart.

Seeing my foolish self, I couldn’t possibly forget how sorry I was.

I promised myself to change.

Without forgetting Her words that “We must be born again with a flawless faith,” I want to obey all Her words, to become a daughter who can give smiles to Her instead of scars.

발톱 하나

아스팔트를 녹여버릴 듯한 더위가 기승을 부릴 때였다.

일곱 살배기 아들 녀석이 시원한 분수 공원에 놀러 가자고 졸라댔다.

아들이 물놀이를 즐기는 동안 무더위 속에 수건을 들고 기다릴 것을 생각하니 나갈 엄두가 나지 않았다.

하지만 아이는 쉽게 포기할 기세가 아니었다.

“에구… 알았다, 알았어. 그럼 가보자.”

아들은 신이 났는지 입이 귀에 걸려서는 연신 콧노래를 불렀다.

공원에 도착해 분수에서 올라오는 시원한 물줄기를 맞으며 즐거워하는 모습을 보니, 나오기를 잘했다는 생각도 들고 덩달아 시원해지는 느낌이었다.


잠시 핸드폰 문자메시지를 확인하는데 난데없이 비명 소리가 들렸다. 아이가 바닥에 주저앉아 울고 있었다. 얼른 달려가서 보니 아이의 발가락에서 피가 흐르고 있었다. 내가 잠시 한눈파는 사이 신발을 벗고 놀다가 분수 물줄기가 나오는 곳에 발이 빨려 들어갔는데 억지로 빼려고 하다 그만 발톱이 빠진 것이었다.

아이를 업고 응급실로 달려갔다.

그 짧은 시간 동안 마치 내 발가락이 잘리기라도 한 듯 발끝이 시리고 아파왔다. 마음은 또 얼마나 조급하던지. 응급실에서는 혹여 뼈가 다치지는 않았는지 엑스레이를 찍었다.

다행히 뼈에는 이상이 없어서 살점에 아슬아슬하게 붙어 있던 발톱을 떼어내고 소독한 뒤 약을 발랐다. 아이는 신발을 절대 벗지 말라는 엄마의 말을 어겨서인지, 치료하는 내내 내 눈치를 보느라 아파도 울지 못하고 신음 소리만 겨우 내고 있었다.

작은 발가락에 감은 붕대를 보며 얼마나 아플까,

그러게 엄마 말 좀 듣지,

아니야, 내가 계속 지켜봤어야 했어….

안타까움과 죄책감이 동시에 밀려왔다.

‘엄마란 이런 거구나. 자식 몸에 작은 흠집만 나도 마음이 미어지게 아픈 거구나.’

겨우 발톱 하나 빠진 것만 봐도 어미 마음이 이렇게 아픈데

하늘 어머니께서는 사망의 땅으로 가야만 하는 아들딸을 보시며 얼마나 애타하셨을까.

우리가 걷는 고단한 인생 길이야 응당 치러야 할 죗값이건만

어머니는 그 모두가 당신의 죄인 양 오늘도 가슴 아파하시고 눈물 지으신다.

집으로 돌아오는 길,

어지간히 놀랐는지 어느새 조용히 잠든 아이를 등에 업고 오며 어머니 생각에 눈물이 흘렀다.

하늘에서도 어머니 속을 까맣게 태웠으면서 아직도 온전히 회개하지 못하고 어머니 마음에 상처만 남기는 미련한 내 모습을 되돌아보며 죄송한 마음을 지울 길이 없었다.

이제는 달라지리라 다짐한다.

“흠도 점도 없는 믿음으로 거듭나야 한다”는 어머니의 당부를 잊지 않고,

한 말씀 한 말씀에 순종해 어머니께 상처가 아닌 미소를 드리는 딸이 되련다.

The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Father and God the Mother according to the Bible

The World Mission Society Church of God believes in God the Father and God the Mother according to the Bible
One of things that many people misunderstand about the Bible is that there is only God the Father. However, the Bible clearly reveals that there exists God the Mother as well God the Father from the first page of the Bible.

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea...." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)

If there is only one God, God the Father, it should read ‘my image’ not ‘our image.’ In addition, only ‘male’ should have been created in the image of God the Father. But, is there only male created in the image of God? Isn’t there also ‘female’? The fact that male and female were created in the image of God is the evidence that God’s image includes God the Father and God the Mother. It’s very important to know the existence of God the Father and God the Mother because it’s prophesied that God the Father and God the Mother are to appear to give us the water of life in the last days.

The Spirit [God the Father] and the bride [God the Mother] say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. (Revelation 22:17)

Those who have met God the Father and God the Mother can receive the water of life. People who only know God the Father do not know God whom we must press on to know. The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) receives the water of life from the Spirit and the bride according to the words of the Bible.

The reason it’s written that God ‘alone’ created the heavens and the earth while two God did- world mission society church of God


The reason it’s written that God ‘alone’ created the heavens and the earth while two God did

The Bible says that God the Father and God the Mother created the heavens and the earth.

Then God [Elohim] said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:26-27)

In Genesis Chapter 1 which described the process of the Creation, God is referred to as ‘Elohim,’ the plural form. In addition, the plural pronoun ‘Us’ was used. If there were only one God, God should been referred to as the singular noun ‘El’ or ‘Eloah,’ and the singular pronoun ‘Me’ should been used. God the Creator is not only one. From the passage “Male and female were created in the image of God,” we can understand that there are two Gods: God the Father and God the Mother.

However, in other verse, it’s written that God ‘alone’ created the heavens and the earth.

I am the LORD, who has made all things, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself (Isaiah 44:24)

Why is it written that God ‘alone’ created the heavens and the earth in the book of Isaiah while it’s written that two Gods did in the book of Genesis? Is one of the two verses wrong? Or, is the Bible contradictory? No. God let us know the reason through Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, who were created in the image of God.

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)

It’s obvious that Adam and Eve are two individuals, who existed as a man and a woman respectively. However, it’s written that Adam and Eve will be united and become one flesh. Therefore, in the Bible, it’s referred to as one man or Adam as the representative when mentioning Adam and Eve together.

Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who was a pattern of the one to come. But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man [Adam]… (Romans 5:14-15)

It was not just Adam alone who committed the sin of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Both Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge; moreover Eve did first. However, the Bible wrote the sin of the tree of the knowledge as that of one man. It’s because Adam and Eve are considered one, being united, and Adam is referred to as the representative. This shows the reason it’s written that God ‘alone’ created the heavens and the earth, by uniting God the Father and God the Mother.

Adam and Eve are the first man and woman, who were created in the image of God the Father and God the Mother. God expressed the sin of Adam and Eve as that of ‘one man’ and referred to Adam as the representative of the two. In the same way, while God the Father and God the Mother performed the Creation together, it’s expressed that God ‘alone’ did and God the Father is presented as the representative of the Creation Work.

Some people deny the holy divine nature of two Gods seen through what has been made, without knowing the profound meaning of the Bible. However, the Bible clearly testifies to God the Father and God the Mother from the first Chapter of Genesis to the last Chapter of Revelation.

2013년 10월 5일 토요일

When Love Is Worth In Blood -.WMSCOG God the Mother

Church of God always share the love of God by doing good deeds !
Thanks to Father n Mother

wmscog Rotterdam met vrijwillige activiteiten kandidaat Kroonappels

http://www.dichtbij.nl/rotterdam-prins-alexander/regionaal-nieuws/artikel/2656245/wms-church-of-god-rotterdam-met-vrijwillige-activiteiten-kandidaat-kroonappels-.aspx 주소복사

ROTTERDAM - Drie zondagen, 24 februari, 3 en 10 maart j.l. hebben in de Hoogstraat, ondanks het koude winterse weer, 662 mensen meegedaan met de Gift actie van de WMS Church of God: “Deel de liefde van Moeder met zieke kinderen.”
Deze Gift actie is met de gedachte van een moeder die voor haar kind zorgt en hoop geeft aan ouders van zieke kinderen die in moeilijke tijden verkeren. Deze liefde is absoluut nodig voor moeder en kind in deze tijd die steeds harteloos en financieel moeilijk wordt door conflicten en crisis.
De voorvechter die deze liefde deelt is een religieuze groep, de World Mission Society Church of God (Hoofdpastoor Kim Joo-cheol). De kerk voert op grote schaal vrijwillige activiteiten uit op verschillende gebieden zoals bloeddonatie, uitdelen van voedsel, helpen van behoeftige buren zoals eenzame ouderen, het brengen van hoopgevende bezoeken aan bewoners alsook milieu schoonmaak activiteiten, over de hele wereld ongeacht grenzen, ras en religies.
Door alle kerkleden werden deelnemers verwelkomd met een lach en een dans.
Tijdens de actie was ook Tanja de Koning van Vrienden van het Sophia aanwezig en zei:
“Ondanks het koude winterweer heb ik hier een heerlijk en warm gevoel bij jullie, alsof je in een warm bad komt. Het is een mooie actie en goed initiatief van de Church of God, waar iedere Rotterdammer, elke Nederlander blij mee moet zijn. Je gaat je zieker voelen als je in leeg bed ligt, dus die warme knuffel is wel heel erg fijn.”
Alle 662 deelnemers hebben met een blije gedachte aan de actie voor de zieke kinderen, en niet te vergeten hun ouders, deelgenomen.
Deelnemer Rob Markus zei: “De kinderen vechten voor hun leven en zitten samen met hun ouders in een moeilijke periode. Ik vind het alleen maar goed dat er mensen, zoals van de WMS Church of God, zich inzetten in hun vrije tijd op vrijwillige basis en in dit koude weer, om die kinderen een hart onder de riem te steken, dit is hartverwarmend.”
Deelnemers waren allemaal geïnteresseerd in de Gift actie en waren bovendien geraakt door deze goede actie en gaven reacties als: “Het is verschrikkelijk om op jonge leeftijd kanker te hebben, dus om te helpen is geweldig. Ik ben zo blij dat jullie dit doen, je komt hier voorbij en het gevoel van liefde trekt je aan. Het is een ontzettende goede actie van de Church of God, jullie weten wat naasten liefde is.”
Van de mogelijkheid om de wenskaart te personaliseren met een mooie, liefdevolle boodschap of tekening voor een ziek kind of voor zijn/haar ouder(s) werd door 288 deelnemers gebruikt gemaakt. De opbrengst van de verkochte wenskaarten wordt gebruikt om nog meer knuffelbeertjes en de Cliniclowns knuffel 'Toet' te kopen. Bovendien zal voor de ouders van deze zieke kinderen die verblijven in het Ronald McDonald huis een lunch of maaltijd worden klaargemaakt.
De World Mission Society Church of God Rotterdam is kandidaat voor de Oranje Fonds Kroonappels. Word jij ook blij van onze sociale initiatieven van liefde, stem dan op ons op 15,16,17 maart via de website .....

Gift actie voor zieke kinderen door WMS Church of God Rotterdam wmscog

ROTTERDAM - Op zondag 24 februari, hebben in de Hoogstraat, ondanks het slechte weer, 256 mensen meegedaan met de actie: “Deel de liefde van Moeder met zieke kinderen.”
Deze gift actie is met de gedachte van een moeder die voor haar kind zorgt en hoop geeft aan ouders van zieke kinderen die in moeilijke tijden verkeren. Deze liefde is absoluut nodig voor moeder en kind in deze tijd die steeds harteloos en financieel moeilijk wordt door conflicten en crisis.

De voorvechter die deze liefde deelt is een religieuze groep, de World Mission Society Church of God (Hoofdpastoor Kim Joo-cheol). De kerk voert op grote schaal vrijwillige activiteiten uit op verschillende gebieden zoals bloeddonatie, uitdelen van voedsel, helpen van behoeftige buren zoals eenzame ouderen, het brengen van hoopgevende bezoeken aan bewoners alsook milieu schoonmaak activiteiten, over de hele wereld ongeacht grenzen, ras en religies. 

Alle 256 deelnemers hebben met een blije gedachte aan de actie voor de zieke kinderen, en niet te vergeten hun ouders, deelgenomen. Ze waren allemaal geïnteresseerd in deze Gift actie en waren bovendien geraakt door deze goede actie. Door alle kerkleden werden deelnemers verwelkomd met een lach en een dans. De missionaris van de kerk zei:” Tegenwoordig is de gemeenschap steeds kouder aan het worden. Ik ben blij deze goede actie te doen. Wij volgen het voorbeeld van God, die ons leert om je naasten lief te hebben als jezelf. Onze kerk zal doorgaan met het toepassen van Gods liefde door middel van deze acties en hoopt dat meer mensen de liefde van Moeder zullen delen met hun naaste.”

Op zondag 3 maart en 10 maart a.s. van 12.00 – 18.00 uur staan de kerkleden weer op de Hoogstraat (tegenover Sport 2000) en kunnen mensen meedoen door een nieuwe knuffelbeer (max.20 cm groot) te doneren aan een ziek kind of door een wenskaart te kopen ter waarde van €2 aan onze tent op de Hoogstraat. Na het kopen van de wenskaart is het bovendien mogelijk om de wenskaart te personaliseren met een mooie, liefdevolle boodschap voor een ziek kind. De opbrengst van de verkochte wenskaarten wordt gebruikt om nog meer knuffelbeertjes te kopen.

Met de beertjes willen wij de zieke kinderen in Kinderziekenhuizen, waaronder het Sophia Kinderziekenhuis, een troostend, beschermend en een liefdevol gevoel bezorgen.