2013년 9월 27일 금요일

The goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls

Why do people work for companies? 
Some say that they feel happy while working in a company. Others say that they are having a happy work life due to good colleagues. There will be also people who find something worth by participating in community services in the course of working in a company. However, are there any people who continue to work for a company if they are not paid? The primary purpose of working for a company is to live on their salary. Even if they love their jobs or they are happy to work with other colleagues, people have no reason to work for companies if they are not paid.

Then, what’s the purpose of our faith in God?
Some say that they live a religious life to find peace of mind. Others say that they live a life of faith because they enjoy meeting people. Or there are people who are happy to participate in community services while attending the church. However, can these can be the ultimate purpose of our faith life?

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:8-9)

The most important goal of our faith is the salvation of our souls. A life of faith without the salvation of souls is no more than a job without salary. Although they might feel happy or they think they obtain something worth, their efforts will be in vain in the end. The problem is that many churches teach different doctrines and different religious lives depending on their denominations. Which way of faith is the right one which leads us to the salvation of our souls?

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers [depart from me, you workers of lawlessness – ESV]!' (Matthew 7:21-23)

Those who live a life of lawless faith which does not follow the will of God cannot enter the kingdom of heaven even though they call 'Lord, Lord', act as prophets who preach God, cast out demons or perform many miracles. They can obtain nothing while making many efforts.

Why should we do the will of God to get the salvation of our souls? It’s because the Word of God is the promise of salvation. 

Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. (John 6:53-55)

Whether we can receive life or not depends on following this Word containing the promise of eternal life. Then, how can eat and drink the flesh and blood of Jesus?

So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover… While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matthew 26:19-28)

Jesus promised that the Passover bread is His flesh and the Passover wine is His blood. Therefore, faith without keeping the Passover cannot give us the salvation of souls. Those who do not observe the Passover worship God in vain. Religious life which results in the salvation of souls, the goal of faith, is that of receiving eternal life through the Passover of the new covenant. If you believe in God, please live a life of faith which leads you to the kingdom of heaven by following the will of God.

Although they knew the Bible

Is it sufficient just to know the Bible? 2,000 years ago, the Jews took pride in knowing the Bible more than any other people. To considerable degree, it was true that they knew the Bible. Then, did they recognize Christ? As a matter of course, they also had to recognize Jesus because the Bible testifies about Christ. Of course, they understood who Jesus was. So they crucified Jesus who said he came as the "Son of God" on the cross.

Jesus said he came as the "Son" of God, as if he had been a different being from God the Father Jehovah.

"Abba", Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14:36)

"This, then, is how you should pray: " 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, (Matthew 6:9)

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46)

Jesus described God Jehovah as the Almighty One and Himself as a child who obeys the commands of the Father. That is, he regarded himself as the same position like us. Here, don't you have a question? Why did the Jews resent Jesus when he said he came as the Son of God, which might have not been any problem? Further, why did they crucify Him on the cross?

“… I [Jesus] and the Father are one." Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus said to them, "I have shown you many great miracles from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?" "We are not stoning you for any of these," replied the Jews, "but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God." (John 10:30-33)

Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God. (John 5:17-18)

When Jesus said, "I and the Father are one," the Jews responded by saying "You, a mere man, claim to be God." Also, when Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working," they blamed him for making himself equal with God. Why did they understand "calling God his own Father" as "making himself equal with God"?

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

The Jews knew the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah. In around 700 B.C., the prophet Isaiah foretold that ‘Almighty God would come as a Son.’ Therefore, the Jews got into rage when he said, "I and Father are one." They knew the Bible better than the disciples.

Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. (John 14:8-10)

Philip was not able to understand the words of Jesus properly although he had been with Jesus. He could not understand why Jesus called himself the "Son of God" until he learned many teachings after Jesus ascended to heaven.

The Jews, who understood the word of Jesus by themselves, rejected Jesus and were destroyed after all. Philip, who realized after being taught from Jesus, was blessed. What's the difference between them? Just knowing the Bible is not sufficient. It's no more than mere acquisition of knowledge. To know the Bible means "to realize the words and put them in practice."
The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) preaches Christ of the age of the Holy Spirit to great multitude of Christians: God the Holy Spirit in the male image and God the Mother, the bride in the female image witnessed by the Bible from the 1st Chapter of Genesis to the 22nd Chapter of Revelation. At this, most people says that they came to know God the Mother testified by the Bible for the first time, giving a slight nod. 

While seeing many people leaving, saying that they came to know Christ who has come as the Spirit and the bride in the Bible, I thought of the Jews. They also knew but did not believe.

Choose the path of life

God has made us known the path of life to save our souls.

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. (Psalms 16:11)

But, the problem is that there is also a path that leads us to death. Moreover, the path of death seems right to a man.

There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (Proverbs 14:12)

It's not easy to tell from the path of life from the path of death with our common sense. For this reason, God said that we must forsake our own thoughts and obey God's thoughts.

Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:7-9)

Then, what is the way of life God has showed us?

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, 'We will not walk in it.' (Jeremiah 6:16)

Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first [the first works: KJV]. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. (Revelation 2:5)

Keeping and following the teachings that Jesus granted us at first -- it is the path of life. Some claim, "Isn't it better to celebrate Christmas than not to celebrate any day although it was the birthday of sun-god?” Others think it's better to keep Sunday rather than to keep Saturday which is the Sabbath day because most people rest on Sunday and more people can come to God. There are also people that it doesn't matter to erect a cross because they remember the sacrifice of Christ whenever they see the cross although it was once used as an execution tool and it was even used as a symbol of pagan religion.

But, there are no verses in the Bible which indicate that Jesus was born on December 25th, which specify that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, or which teach us to erect the cross. The teaching Jesus taught originally and showed us as an example is the new covenant including the Sabbath day and the Passover.

Please do not forget the words of God: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads us to death." Any other gospel that deviates from the path of life is mere the path of death whatever people make any excuses. We should forsake our thoughts and acknowledge the ancient path is the good way, and then repent and do the first works: it's the path of life.

2013년 9월 25일 수요일

My Loving Son

My Loving Son
I saw a story on TV not long ago.
It was about a 50-year-old disabled man with intelligence of a three-year-old.
His aged mother who was almost 80, worked as a cleaning woman in an apartment, and supported her son all alone.
Her son couldn’t even eat or wash himself and didn’t want to be apart from his mother even for a moment.
Well, except for when he puts puzzles together.
It was the only thing that the son could do by himself.
Before the mother started to clean the apartment, she would give her son some puzzles, and while he puts the puzzles together, she quickly finishes cleaning up.
Seeing her son playing with puzzles, she was not only glad, but was also upset.
“Glad that at least he can put puzzles together, but sorry and upset that he has to stay still for two hours.”
At the end of the program, the mother left a video letter.
“My son, my loving son. I was so happy the day you were born.”

Though the man couldn’t do anything because he was born disabled, he was a “loving son” to the aged mother.
Even if a child is hurt, scarred, or disabled, the child is truly a loving child to his mother.
That maternal love surely comes from our Heavenly Mother.
For healing all of our lacks and flaws, scars, and difficulties, and protecting us from all kinds of hardships in this world,
I truly give thanks for Heavenly Mother’s love. 

사랑하는 내 아들

얼마 전 한 TV 프로그램을 보게 되었습니다.
나이는 50세지만 정신지체1급으로 3세 정도의 지능을 가진 한 남자의 사연이었습니다.
여든이 다 되어가는 노모가 아파트 청소를 하며 홀로 아들을 부양하고 있었습니다.
혼자서는 밥 먹는 것, 씻는 것조차 스스로 할 수 없는 아들은 노모와 한시도 떨어지려 하지 않았습니다. 
오직, 퍼즐을 맞추는 시간만 빼고요. 
아들이 혼자 할 수 있는 유일한 일은 퍼즐 맞추기였습니다.
노모는 아파트 청소를 할 때면 아들에게 퍼즐을 쥐어주고 퍼즐을 맞추는 동안 부랴부랴 일을 끝냅니다.
노모는 퍼즐을 맞추는 아들을 보며 기쁘기도 하고 속상해하기도 했습니다.
“퍼즐이라도 맞출 수 있는 것이 기쁘고, 퍼즐을 맞추느라 두 시간 동안 꼼짝없이 앉아있는 것이 미안하고 속상해요.”
방송 말미에 노모는 아들에게 영상 편지를 남겼습니다.
“아들아, 사랑하는 내 아들아. 네가 태어난 날 엄마는 너무나 기뻤단다.”

장애를 가지고 태어나 다 커서도 혼자서는 아무것도 할 수 없는 남자도노모에게는 ‘사랑하는 내 아들’ 이었습니다.
어떤 아픔, 상처, 장애를 가졌어도 어머니께는 사랑하는 자녀입니다.
그런 어머니의 모성애는 분명 하늘 어머니께로부터 나온 것이겠지요.
우리의 부족함, 상처, 어려움 모두 치유해주시고 
세상의 어떠한 시련에도 지켜주시는 하늘 어머니의 사랑에 감사드립니다.

Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love
By haru
The saddest love
While being eyeable, the desire remains
Being awake or asleep, longing never stops
Love that is stifled with yearning

Love that is unalterable
Love that is inextricable
Love that is unstoppable though disregarded
Love that is steadfast over time
Love that is never hideous without being comprehended

Love that laughs and cries for a sinner
Love that trusts, though the promise is broken
Love that moves to tears for an apology
Love that is engraved in the heart, even for a halfhearted gratitude
Love that waits, though the love for the world is greater
Mother’s unrequited love is solely for the sinner

Mother’s love becomes the spring sunlight, and warmly covers my heart
Mother’s love becomes the rain drops on a cool summer day, and moistens my thirsty soul
Mother’s love becomes the sweet fruit on an autumn day, and fills my hungry soul
Mother’s love becomes the warm blanket on a winter day, and melts my icy soul

At last, because of Mother’s everlasting love
This sinner returns to Mother’s arms
I repent
I thank
And I love
세상에서 가장 슬픈 사랑
보고 또 봐도 보고 싶은 사랑

자나 깨나 그리운 사랑

그리움에 목메는 사랑

무엇으로도 바꿀 수 없는 사랑

아파도 끊을 수 없는 사랑

외면당해도 멈출 수 없는 사랑

시간이 흘러도 변함없는 사랑

이해받지 못해도 밉지 않는 사랑

죄인 때문에 웃고 우는 사랑

약속을 저버려도 믿어주시는 사랑

죄송하다는 말에 눈물 흘리시는 사랑

마음에도 없는 감사인 줄 알면서도 마음속에 새겨두시는 사랑

세상을 더 사랑해도 돌아오기만을 기다려주시는 사랑

죄인만을 바라보시는 어머니의 짝사랑

어머니의 사랑이 봄날의 따스한 햇살이 되어 저의 마음을 포근히 감싸줍습니다.

어머니의 사랑이 여름날 시원한 빗물이 되어 메마른 제 영혼을 적십니다.

어머니의 사랑이 가을날 달콤한 열매가 되어 배고픈 제 영혼을 채워줍니다.

어머니의 사랑이 겨울날 포근한 이불이 되어 얼음 같은 제 마음을 녹입니다.

어머니의 한없는 사랑 끝에

이 죄인이 어머니 품으로 돌아옵니다. 



그리고 사랑합니다.

… until the kingdom of God comes

… until the kingdom of God comes (Edit)

Those who slander the World Mission Society Church of God (Witness of Ahnsahnghong) claim that they do not need to celebrate the Passover of the new covenant by citing Luke 22:

For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” (Luke 22:16-28)

They say, “Since Jesus said that he would not keep the Passover until the kingdom of God comes, it’s not necessary to keep the Passover.” In other words, they say that the Passover must be observed in the kingdom of heaven because the kingdom of God means the kingdom of heaven.

At first glance, it appears that the Passover of the new covenant should not be celebrated on this earth according to their argument. It sounds plausible but given just a wee bit of thought, you can realize how non-biblical their insistence is.

What is the Passover of the new covenant for? It is the feast through which we can have the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:17-28.) If their claim is correct, sinners who are not entitled to enter the kingdom of heaven will celebrate the Passover at the kingdom of heaven (Revelation 14:5.) It is nonsense! Since they do not know about the basics of the feasts, they claim non-biblical claims such as they will celebrate the Passover in heaven or they will receive the forgiveness of sins there.

What does “the kingdom of God” mean?

He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near. (Luke 21:29-31)

Jesus taught in parables that “the kingdom of God” is near “when the fig tree sprouts leaves.” Also, the book of Matthew clearly reveals when the kingdom of God comes through the parable of the fig tree.

Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it [he] is near, right at the door. (Matthew 24:32-33)

From these two verses, we can know that “the kingdom of God comes when the Son of Man or the Second Coming Jesus comes in the flesh.” Therefore, the words of Jesus “I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes (Luke 22:18)” mean that He will keep the Passover when He appears a second time. It implies that only the Second Coming Jesus is able to establish the Passover.

Then, what does it mean that the World Mission Society Church of God celebrates the Passover? It is evidence that the Second Coming Jesus, who is the only One who can establish the Passover, has come. That is, the kingdom of God has already come.

Will you still insist that the Passover should be kept in heaven while seeing and hearing every prophecy of the Bible and its fulfillment like this? You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven without having the forgiveness of sins on this earth. You still have an opportunity: You have to know the Second Coming Christ who established the Passover, before it’s too late.

A Letter from the Son, and Mother’s Reply

A Letter from the Son, and Mother’s Reply

There was an immature son who wrote a letter to his mother.
On the header it reads, “I love you Mom.”

Mom, I know that you are having hard times with me.
I always go out and play and never help you. I’m sorry, Mom.
But I know you’ll forgive me, right?
Mom. I love you so much. 
Do you also love me? 
Mom, even if you don’t love me, I’m really thankful that you’re my Mom.

Mom, I love you!

Of course the son wrote an unaffected and pure letter.
Then, the mother replied to his letter:

My son, do you know?
I love you not because you are the only one in this world.
It’s because I love you, and that’s why you are the only one in this world.

My son, do you know?
Even if I lost everything in this world, I don’t want to lose you for this world.

My son, do you know?
The only reason why I exist in this world?
That’s because of you.

I love you always.

From General Pastor’s sermon: ‘God is Love’

Always loving these immature children, and only considering us,
I give thanks, praises and eternal glory to our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.
I no longer want to be an immature child, and want to confess,

“Father and Mother, I love you!”
아들의 편지, 어머니의 답장
어느 가정에서 철부지 아들이 엄마의 생일을 맞이해 편지를 썼습니다.
서두에 ‘엄마 사랑해요’라는 제목을 적고서 이런 내용을 적었다고 합니다.
『엄마, 요즘 나 때문에 너무 힘들지?
매일 도움도 못되고 놀러만 다니고…. 미안해 엄마.
그래도 나 용서해줄 거지? 응?
엄마 나 엄마 너무 사랑해. 엄마도 나 사랑해? 히히히
나 엄마가 나 사랑하지 않아도 엄마가 우리 엄마라는 것만으로도 너무나 감사해
엄마, 사랑해!』
아들은 엄마에 대한 사랑의 마음을 어떤 가식도 없이 고스란히 표현했습니다. 편지를 받아본 엄마는 이런 답장을 했습니다.
『아들아, 너 그거 아니?
세상에 너 밖에 없어서 널 사랑한 게 아니라 널 사랑하니까 세상에 너 밖에 없다는 거. 
아들아, 너 그거 아니?
난 늘 세상을 위해서 세상을 다 잃어도 세상을 위해선 널 잃고 싶지 않다는 것을.
아들아, 너 그거 아니?
내가 이 세상에 존재할 수 있는 단 하나의 이유가 무엇인지.
그건 바로 너야. 
늘 언제나 사랑한다.』
-총회장님 설교 ‘하나님은 사랑이시다’中-

참으로 철부지와 같은 우리를 늘 사랑해 주시고 
오직 우리만을 위해주시는 아버지 어머니께
고개 숙여 감사와 찬송과 영원한 영광을 올립니다.
이제는 더 이상 철부지가 아닌 장성한 자녀 되어 당신께 고백하고 싶습니다.

“아버지 어머니, 사랑합니다!”

The greatest miracle in the world

The greatest miracle in the world

Which one is the greater miracle: Rising from the dead or living eternally?

Of course, the latter is. Even if someone rises from the dead, he will die again some day. Eternal living is really the greatest miracle in the world. “Eternal life”– the area which has not been accomplished even by the state-of-the-art medical science and which will not be fulfilled by men. 2,000 years ago, God let mankind, who were destined to die, know how to experience the miracle of living forever. He allowed it through the Passover of the new covenant.

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life … (John 6:53-54)

And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer… “This [Bread] is my body … This cup [Wine] is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Luke 22:15-20)

However, Satan, who watched thirstily for a chance to destroy God’s work, abolished the Passover at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

Christ Ahnsahnghong, God who has come again, said as follows to let us know what the greatest miracle in the world is and how important the Passover is:

People say that the manna which came down from heaven in the wilderness is a miracle, and they say that raising Lazarus from the dead is a miracle.

Yet, in the eyes of God, neither being cured of diseases nor rising from the dead is a miracle.

All people including Lazarus and those who ate the manna in the wilderness died.

However, those who eat and drink the flesh and blood of Jesus will live even though they die; and they will never die.

Obtaining eternal life by eating the bread of life!

Giving life through the Passover to those who are to die; there is no greater miracle than this.

The most important thing to us is the flesh and blood of Jesus, which was allowed through His death on the cross.

In this age, we should not seek miracles and signs.

We should seek eternal life.

We must understand deeply and cherish this covenant of life God gives us, and must always give thanks to God.”

I pray that all people around the world will experience the greatest miracle in the world: living forever with the flesh and blood God which was allowed through His death on the cross.

2013년 9월 1일 일요일

Carried out Street Clean-up Campaign in Commemoration of the Day of the New Jerusalem

Last Sunday, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God celebrated the Day of the New Jerusalem.

In commemoration of the Day of the New Jerusalem, 50 members of the Church of God conducted Street Clean-up Campaign from Hotel Landmark located at La Fourchok to Kanta Tolichok.

Church of God in Kuala Lumpur visited the Ampang Old Folk's Home

[해외/말레이시아] 쿠알라룸푸르 하나님의 교회, 암팡 양로원 방문
보도일 : 2013-05-31
언론사 : 남양상보


공연과 함께 50여 명의 어르신에게 행복 배달
(30일, 암팡) 말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르 소재 하나님의 교회가 암팡 양로원을 방문하고 특별한 행사를 통해 50여 명의 어르신에게 행복을 배달했다.
하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회(총회장 김주철 목사) 성도들은 양로원을 방문하여 어르신들에게 잔치를 베풀어 주변 사람들을 훈훈하게 했다.
하나님의 교회 성도들은 쿵푸와 합기도 공연, 그리고 작은 가방을 통해 참 부모님을 찾아간다는 내용의 콩트, 뮤직박스 게임을 통해 평상시 양로원 생활에서 오는 지루함과 단조로움을 없애고, 영양 음료, 단팥죽 그리고 홈메이드 빵으로 즐거움을 더했다.
치아 순 성 암팡 복지위원회 비서는 어르신들이 공연을 무척 즐거워했으며, 하나님의 교회 성도들이 다시 방문하기를 소망한다고 전했다.
“어르신들은 화장실도 가지 않았다. 모두들 쿵푸, 콩트, 노래 등 공연의 즐거움에 깊이 빠졌기 때문이다.”
하나님의 교회 성도 치아 링링 씨는 “어르신들과 행복을 나누는 좋은 기회였다”고 전했다.
어르신들로부터 삶의 지혜를 배우라
또한 “우리는 어르신들로부터 생활의 지혜를 배울 수 있기에 그들은 존경을 받을 만하다”고 덧붙였다.
하나님의 교회는 1964년 안상홍 님이 창립했고, 현재 말레이시아를 포함해 170개국에 2,200개의 교회가 있다. 하나님의 교회는 선교활동뿐만 아니라 하나님의 사랑을 바탕으로 다수의 환경정화운동, 헌혈운동, 양로원 및 고아원 방문활동 등을 개최하고 있다.

(왼쪽 위) 공연을 기다리는 동안, 어르신들이 하나님의 교회 소개 비디오를 시청하고 있다.
(오른쪽 위) 하나님의 교회 성도들이 10개의 오래된 노래와 준비한 율동을 돌아가면서 오랫동안 공연하고 있다.
(아래) 하나님의 교회 성도들과 암팡 양로원 구성원


[Overseas news / Malaysia] Church of God in Kuala Lumpur visited the Ampang Old Folk's Home
Date : May 31, 2013
Press : Namyang Newspaper

Delivering happiness with a performance for fifty elders
(30th of May, Ampang) Church of God located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, delivered happiness for 50 elders through a special event, in their visit in Ampang Old Folk's Home.
The members of the World Mission Society Church of God (General Paster Joo-Cheol Kim) visited the old folk's home and warmed up the people around them, holding a feast for the elders.
Performing marial arts; Kung-fu, Hapkido, and a vignette(finding the true parents with a small bag), the Church of God members got rid of boredom and monotonous contents that the elders had living in the old folk's home, and also enhanced their pleasure with nutritious drinks, korean sweet red-bean porridges, and homemade bread.
Secretary of the welfare committee in Ampang Chia Soon Seong said, the elders had a great time with the performance and wished the members of the Church of God to revisit.
“The elders didn’t even bother going to the restroom. They were mesmerized by the Kung-fu, vignette, and singing.”
One of the members of the Church of God Chia Ling Ling said, “It was a great opportunity sharing happiness with the elders.”
Learn the wisdom of life through the elders
She also said, “Since we can learn the wisdom of life through the elders, they deserve to be respected.”
The Church of God was founded by Ahnsahnghong in 1964, and including the present church in Malaysia, there are currently 2,200 churches around 170 countries.
Not only the Church of God does missionary works, but it also hosts many environmental cleanup activities, blood drives, and visits old folk’s homes and orphanages, all based on God’s love.

(above on the left) Waiting for the performance, the elders are watching a promo video of the Church of God.
(above on the right) The members of the Church of God are singing ten golden oldies, performing their dance routines that they have prepared, continuously for a long time.

(below) The Church of God members and the Ampang Old Folk’s home residents.

World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth in Ampang Old Folk's Home

[해외/말레이시아] 세계복음선교협회 암팡 양로원 방문하여 훈훈함 전달
보도일 : 2013-05-31
언론사 : 신주일보


(30일 암팡) 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회가 암팡 양로원을 방문하여 노래와 춤을 통해 어르신들에게 따뜻한 마음을 전했다.
교회 성도들은 옛날 추억의 노래와 콩트, 뮤직박스 게임 등의 공연을 선보였다. 또한 홈메이드 빵, 영양 음료, 단팥죽 등을 제공하며 매우 친절하게 어르신들을 보살폈다.
공연에 매료된 어르신들은 공연이 진행되는 내내 환한 웃음으로 호응했다.
치아 순성 암팡 복지위원회 비서는 “하나님의 교회 성도들의 방문에 정말 행복했다. 성도들이 어르신들을 위해 베풀어준 공연에 정말로 감사한다”고 전했다. 또한 “좀처럼 보기 어려운 어르신들의 웃는 얼굴을 보았다 ”고 덧붙였다.
[사진설명] 교회 성도들과 양로원 어르신들이 공연 후 사진 촬영


[Overseas news / Malaysia] World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth in Ampang Old Folk's Home 
Date : May 31, 2013
Press : Shinjoo Daily


(30th of May in Ampang) Malaysia News - World Mission Society Church of God visited and shared warmth with the elders in Ampang Old Folk's Home, through singing and dancing.

The church members sung golden oldies, performed a vignette, and played musical games.
They also took care of the elders by kindly serving them with homemade bread, nutritious drinks, and korean sweet red-bean porridges.
Being fascinated by their performance, the elders couldn't lose their bright smiles.
Secretary of the welfare committee in Ampang Chia Soon Seong said, "I am so happy that the members of the Church of God visited us. I truly give thanks to them for holding a performance for the elders."
She also said, "I could see the elders smiling, which is a rare sight these days."
[Photo] The church members and the elders after the performance